The hackathon aims to explore AWS Cloud technologies for training machine learning models to program a physical robot. During the event, participants will create and optimize racing algorithms, exploring new possibilities in AI and machine learning. This AWS AI racing hackathon with the DeepRacer robot offers a fun, hands-on way for participants to dive into the world of self-driving vehicles.

Participants will be grouped into teams of 4 and will share a single robot. The robot cannot be taken home after the hackathon.

Type of learning event: Robotics hackathon 

Age group: Minimum 15 years

Difficulty level: Advanced

Location: In your school

Duration: One day

Learning Outcomes: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Reinforcement Learning

Event structure:

    • At the start of the day, participants will receive a kit containing a DeepRacer robot, which they will connect to the AWS DeepRacer platform. They will download a reinforcement learning model and upload it to the robot. Participants will then configure the model's hyperparameters and train the robot to navigate the track autonomously.

Trainers: provided by

Required hardware: 1 laptop

Session details:

    • Learning session duration: 7 hours
    • Final competition duration: 1 hour

Participation details:

    • Maximum participants: 20
    • Minimum participants: 8

Number of coordinators provided by the supplier: 3-5 persons

Number of  competition tracks provided: 1 provided by
