In just one day, participants will dive into robotics by programming and assembling the Miro robot to follow a track. This hackathon is ideal for learning basic coding and gaining hands-on experience in robotics.

This comes with online access to dedicated educational content, facilitating study and the development of skills in the field.

This package includes everything needed to organize a robotics hackathon for students up to 16 years old.

There will be one robot for every two participants.

At the end of the hackathon, participants may take the robot home to continue their learning journey.

Event type: Robotics hackathon 

Age group: 8-16 years

Difficulty level: Beginner

Location: In your school

Duration: One day

Learning Outcomes: Diagrammatic programming languages, Arduino, the use of the ultrasonic sensor, line sensor modules

Event structure:

    • Robot assembly and programming: throughout the day, students will assemble and program robotics kits, finishing in a robot competition.
    • Public demonstrations: demonstration sessions with humanoid robots will be available for the general public.

Trainers: Provided by

Required hardware: 1 laptop and 3 AA batteries per participant

Session details:

    • Robot assembly & programming duration: 7 hours, followed by a basic line-following competition
    • Final competition duration: 1 hour

Participation details:

    • Maximum participants: 50
    • Minimum participants: 10

Public demonstrations:

    • Sessions: 2 demonstrations with humanoid robots
    • Duration: 20 minutes

Materials provided:

    • Competition tracks: 2 prints (1 test track and 1 competition track)

Number of coordinators provided by the supplier: 3-5
